
Philanthropy at Theta Chi chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta is very near and dear to our hearts. With diabetes as the seventh leading cause of death in America (as of 2006) and 1.6 million Americans developing it yearly, Alpha Gamma Delta is dedicated to bringing about awareness of this disease. Along with the help of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, we are able to raise funds for diabetes awareness and education.

In the past we've held Wallyball Tournaments, howver this semester we introduced a new philanthropy called Alpha Gamma Grams!  On Valentine's Day we sold red roses(a cherished smybol of AGD) as well as homemade valentine's to raise money for diabetes research, awareness, and education.  We raised approximately $250 which will go towards the money we've fundraised this school year. In addition to our philanthropy goals, we love to get involved with the other Greek philanthropic events. We’re excited to keep participating in upcoming events and fulfill our motto “Inspire the Woman, Impact the World.”